Our 20th Anniversary

Lexington Tattoo & Muster

Invitation | Schedule | Attendees | Hotels | Rules & Guidelines | Directions | Attend the Event

Friday Tattoo

  • Middlesex County Volunteers Fife and Drum Corps

  • The Old Guard Fife and Drums

  • Kentish Guard Fife and Drum Corps

Parade & Muster Line Up

  • Lexington Minute Men Color Guard (Lexington, MA)

  • William Diamond Junior Fife and Drum Corps (Lexington, MA)

  • The Musick of Prescott’s Battalion (Ayer, MA)

  • Westbrook Fife and Drum Corps (Westbrook, CT)

  • Junior Colonials Fife and Drum Corps (Westbrook, CT)

  • Bluff Point Quahog Diggers Band (New England, USA)

  • National Association of Civil War Musicians GAR (Uxbridge, MA)

  • Marlborough Junior Ancient Fife and Drum Corps (Marlborough, CT)

  • Kentish Guards Fife & Drum Corps (East Greenwich, RI)

  • Sudbury Ancient Fyfe and Drum Companie (Sudbury, MA)

  • Marquis of Granby Junior Ancient Fyfe and Drum Corps (Granby, CT)

  • Connecticut Valley Field Music (Middletown, CT)

  • Piscataqua Rangers Junior Fife and Drum Corps (Portsmouth, NH)

  • rand Republic Fife and Drum Corps (New England, USA)

  • Ameri-Clique (New Britain, CT)

  • Middlesex County 4-H Fife & Drum Corps (Concord, MA)

  • Stow Minutemen Fife and Drum Corps (Stow, MA)

  • Middlesex County Volunteers Fifes & Drums Corps (Boston, MA)

  • United States Army Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps (Ft. Myers, VA)

  • William Diamond Alumni Fife and Drums (Lexington, MA)

  • Adamsville Ancients Fife and Drum Corps (Delmar, NY)

  • Deep River Junior Ancients Fife and Drum Corps (Deep River, CT)

  • Lancraft Fife and Drum Corps (North Haven, CT)

  • Menotomy Minute Men Fife and Drum Corps (Arlington, MA)

  • Colonial Navy of Massachusetts Fife and Drum Corps (Fall River, MA)

  • The Fifes and Drums of The Lincoln Minute Men (Lincoln, MA)

  • Nutmeg Volunteer Junior Ancient Fife and Drum Corps (Groton, CT)

  • Young Colonials Ancient Fyfe and Drum Corps (Carmel, NY)

  • Concord Minute Men Fife and Drum Corps (Concord, MA)

  • Hanaford’s Volunteers Fife and Drum Corps (Underhill, VT)

  • Commonwealth Pipes and Drums (Boston, MA)

  • Pawtuxet Rangers Fife and Drum Corps (Warwick, RI)

Come One, Come All | Rain or Shine | Enjoy a Weekend of 18th Century Music, Pageantry & Entertainment | Free Admission


Friday, May 6, 2022 at 6:30PM | Lexington Battle Green

For your listening enjoyment, the sounds of historic American music on the historic Lexington Battle Green.


Saturday, May 7, 2022 at noon

A brief parade, ending at the Minute Man National Historical Park visitor center, will include 30 fife and drum corps and marching units from all over the Northeast.


Following the parade will be a day filled with music, history, entertainment, and fun for all on the muster field at the Minute Man National Historical Park. There will be colonial crafts people displaying their wares and 18th century encampment demonstrations.

 “Just over the line into Lexington, and a few rods north, the land rises about fifty feet rather abruptly and with a ledgy face. This little summit commands a grand view up and down the road, for quite a distance, and therefore was an ideal location for the minutemen. Many were there awaiting the passing of the British, and when they were opposite, poured down on them a volley.”

- Frank Warren Coburn, 1912

Greetings Fellow Ancient Fife & Drum Corps,

It is that time again to start thinking about the annual Lexington Tattoo & Muster. It will be held on the weekend of May 6, 2022 at the Lexington Battle Green and the Minute Man National Historical Park in Lexington, Massachusetts. We would love to have your corps join us on Saturday and perform at our muster. This year is a very special year because we will be celebrating our 20th anniversary as a junior corps and we have some great things planned.

The Minute Man National Historical Park and Lexington Battle Green have been visited by United States presidents, European Heads of State, and even members of the British Royal Family. The Lexington Battle Green is the site of the annual Reenactment, a recreation of that bloody clash of April 19, 1775. This event draws up to twelve thousand spectators at sunup! It has been the location of political protests. It will also be the site of the 20th Anniversary Lexington Tattoo & Muster held on May 6-7, 2022.

The Minute Man National Historical Park muster field is on the historic Battle Road from Concord to Lexington and is the site of the 20th Anniversary Lexington Muster held this year on May 6-7, 2022.

The Lexington Muster and Tattoo is sponsored by the William Diamond Junior Fife & Drum Corps. We are a junior fife and drum corps from Lexington, MA and beyond. Each year on the first weekend in May we hold our annual muster in Lexington at the Minute Man National Historical Park. The opening event for the weekend is the Tattoo held on the beautiful Lexington Battle Green.

The Tattoo begins at 18:30 on Friday evening, May 6, 2022 with a short parade (.02 miles long) of our featured corps. The parade will end on the Lexington Battle Green. After the featured corps have passed through the Green the performances will commence at once. At the conclusion of the Tattoo (approximately 20:30) the four featured corps will take the field en masse. From there we shall retire to the muster field at the Minute Man National Historical Park for a traditional fife and drum “jam session.” This year we will have some surprises for you on this, our 20th anniversary.

The Muster begins at 11:30 on Saturday morning, May 7, 2022 with a parade along the Battle Road to the muster field at the Minute Man National Historical Park. After everyone marches through the muster field the muster begins with the performances of 30 of the best fife and drum corps in the Northeast.

I have included a schedule of the weekend’s events for your edification. If you or your corps is interested in attending the muster, please fill out the form below.

In the Ancient Spirit, and for William Diamond Junior Fife & Drum Corps,

Carmin Calabrese, Director

20th Anniversary Lexington Tattoo & Muster Schedule 2022

Friday | May 6, 2022

Camping opens at 12 noon at the Minute Man National Historical Park Visitor’s Center, Route 2A, Lexington, MA. RVs and cars may park at the Minute Man National Historical Park Visitor’s Center lot where directed. Please follow signage and direction of park personnel.

Tattoo | Friday, May 6, 2022 | Lexington Battle Green

6:15 PM - Corps Commanders, Majors, and Color Guard Units will meet with Tattoo Director Carmin Calabrese at Depot Square Lexington Center.

6:30 PM - Corps line up at Depot Square, Lexington Center for the march to Lexington Battle Green.

9:00 to 10:00 PM - Jam session begins.

Saturday | May 7, 2022

20th Anniversary Muster | Saturday, May 7, 2022  | Minute Man National Historical Park

9:30 AM - Registration opens at the announcer’s booth

11:30 AM - Parade Line-Up. All corps to stage at Trainer Field on Battle Road and parade to the Visitor’s Center (approximately one half mile).

12:00 Noon - Parade steps off, followed directly by Muster at the muster field in the Minute Man National Historical Park Visitor’s Center.

1:30 to 3:30 PM - Muster meal served to participating corps members across from camp site under large tent.

6:30 to 10:00 PM - Jam session in front of Minute Man National Historical Park Visitor’s Center.

Official Hotels

Aloft Hotel

727 Marrett Road, Lexington, MA

½ mile from the muster field

The Quality Inn

440 Bedford Street, Lexington, MA

3 ½ miles from the muster field

The Bedford Plaza Hotel

340 Great Road, Bedford, MA

4 miles from muster field

The Bedford Motel

30 North Road, Bedford, MA

6 ½ miles from muster field


Rules & Guidelines

Camping: Please unload equipment near camp area, and then move the car to a parking spot. All overnight parking takes place at the Minute Man National Historical Park Visitor’s Center lot or designated grassy area adjacent to the camp area.

Camping Registration: All campers must register their vehicles with WDJ’s campsite volunteers. You will receive a parking pass which allows you overnight parking in the Minute Man National Historical Park. You cannot park overnight without a pass.

Additional Saturday Parking: The Minuteman High School’s back parking lot will be open from 8:00am until 6pm on Saturday, May 7th. The gate will be locked at 6:30pm. There is no overnight parking at the High School.

National Park Service law enforcement will be making frequent rounds in the camp area during the entire weekend. Despite this monitoring, please take all valuables with you or place in your car while away from the camp area.


Fire: There will be no open fires in the camp area.


Curfew: There is a 10pm curfew on noise in the Town of Lexington. All jamming will end at 10pm. That means NO fifing, drumming, radios, or loud conversation in the camp area and parking areas.


Alcohol Consumption: Beer, wine, and alcoholic beverages may be consumed in the privacy of your RV or tent, but not on the muster field or in the general camp area. This will be strictly enforced by NPS law enforcement.


Muster Registration: Registration will open at the announcer’s booth beginning at 9:30AM on Saturday.


Muster meal: The muster meal will be served from 1:30 – 3:30PM at the large tent across from the camp area. Corps may pick up muster meal tickets at the announcer’s booth.

Parade: The Saturday parade will begin at 12:00 noon. Lineup at 11:00AM at Trainer Field on Battle Road.

Trash: All campers get a trash bag when they arrive. Please recycle in designated recycling bins. Trash and recycling bins are located in the camp area and the muster field. Additional bags will be available at the WDJ sales tent.

Muskets: Any unit that plans on bringing muskets or any other black powder weapon needs to make separate arrangements with the National Park's Black Powder Safety officer well in advance. Possession of any and all weapons in Minute Man National Historical Park areas is regulated by federal and state law and park policy and regulation.


Directions to Minute Man National Historical Park

The William Diamond Muster will be held at the Visitor’s Center of the MMNHP Visitor’s Center in Lexington, MA. The official address is 250 North Great Road, Lincoln, MA. Don’t be confused by this mailing address as you will be standing on Lexington real estate. All parking, camping, parade, and performance locations are a short walk from each other.


Directions to Lexington Battle Green

Friday night's Tattoo will take place at the historic Battle Green in downtown Lexington. From the National Park Visitor's center, travel 2A east for just over half a mile, and turn left on to Massachusetts Avenue. Follow Mass Ave for just under two miles to the Battle Green.


To the Minute Man National Historical Park

From the NORTH or SOUTH: Take I-95 (Route 128). Once in Lexington, get off at exit #30 B (Route 2A WEST). The Visitor’s Center is approximately one mile from the highway on the right.

From the WEST: Take the Massachusetts’s Turnpike (I-90). Get off at I-95. Follow directions above.

Camping for performing groups only: Tent camping for performing groups will be located in the field next to the Visitor’s Center parking lot.

RV camping will be in the parking lot itself. Cars may be parked in the Visitor’s Center parking lot overnight.

Attend Our 20th Anniversary Lexington Tattoo & Muster

Please fill out the form below before March 1, 2022.